Below is a link to the recently released TSB-M-18(4)I, Summary of Personal Income Tax Changes Enacted in the 2018-2019 Budget Bill. Click Here For PDF Document In this TSBM there is a section titled, Wage reporting requirements, that gives a bri
The IRS is urging employers to direct their employees to perform a “paycheck checkup” because of the recent changes to the tax laws [IR-2018-80, 4-2-18].Link To Story On APA News Website
Inside The APAService Alert: Fraudulent Email CirculatingFraudulent emails adopt many different forms and are the unauthorized actions of third parties not associated with APA. These email messages, also "phishing" or "spoofing," are becoming more co
Date Of The New York Statewide Payroll Conference is set! Please save the date September 27 & 28, 2018. See attached "Save The Date" card. More information will follow as it becomes available.
THANK YOU to all who donated a toy or money for Toys For Tots this year! Here is a photo of some of the gifts donated during our November dinner meeting.Photo
Please read the following document from our friends at Robert Half - Accountemps on how to beat stress: 5 Ways to Beat Stress in the Payroll Department
Once again, cybercriminals, posing as company executives, are emailing payroll and HR professionals to request lists of employees and their personal information. These emails may appear legitimate because they contain the name of the company’s
The IRS has established a process that will allow businesses and payroll service providers to quickly report any data losses related to the W2 scam currently making the rounds. See details at Form W2/SSN Data Theft: Information for Businesses and Pay
The following is an excerpt from the SSA requesting we help spread the word about people's personal "My Social Security" account.As you know, Social Security is an integral part of everyone’s retirement plan, especially New York’s working

From Your Local Chapter Of The American Payroll Association.